Robot Pu Got Talent


Welcome to the Robot Pu Singing Competition! This exciting event showcases Robot Pu’s vocal abilities as it performs an existing famous song. Performances can be solo or in groups of multiple Robot Pu units. A committee of judges will evaluate each performance based on various criteria, including vocal quality, synchronization, creativity, and overall stage presence.

Competition Objectives

  • Test Robot Pu’s singing capabilities and programming skills.
  • Encourage innovation in music synchronization and group performances.
  • Evaluate the overall performance and artistic expression of Robot Pu.


  • Participants must be registered teams consisting of at least one operator and one Robot Pu.
  • Robots must meet the specifications outlined in the competition rules.

Robot Specifications

  • Height: 20 cm
  • Width: 8 cm
  • Sensors and Components: Participants can add sensors and components (e.g., microphones, speakers) to enhance Robot Pu’s performance. No new mechanical parts are allowed.

Performance Requirements

  • Song Choice: Each team must select an existing famous song for Robot Pu to perform. Ensure the song is appropriate and adheres to copyright regulations.
  • Performance Duration: Each performance should last between 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Solo or Group Performance: Performances can be solo or in groups of multiple Robot Pu units.
  • Synchronization: The performance must be synchronized with the chosen music track.

Competition Setup

  1. Stage Setup: A stage area with a flat and smooth surface for Robot Pu to perform.
  2. Music System: A system to play the chosen music tracks for the performances.
  3. Recording Equipment: Cameras to record the performances for later analysis by the judges.

Performance Procedure

  1. Preparation: Ensure Robot Pu is equipped with the necessary sensors and components for performing the song. Program the performance to include synchronized movements and vocalization.
  2. Performance Start: Each team will have a designated time slot to perform. The performance begins with a signal from the referee.
  3. Song Performance: Robot Pu performs the pre-programmed song, synchronizing its movements and vocalization with the music. Group performances should demonstrate coordination among multiple Robot Pu units.
  4. Completion: The performance ends when the music stops. Robot Pu should return to a neutral position.

Scoring and Judging

A committee of judges will evaluate each performance based on the following criteria:

  1. Vocal Quality: The clarity and quality of Robot Pu’s singing.
  2. Synchronization: How well Robot Pu’s movements and vocalization are synchronized with the music.
  3. Creativity: The originality and innovation demonstrated in the performance.
  4. Stage Presence: The overall appeal and expressiveness of the performance.
  5. Technical Execution: The quality of programming and the use of sensors and components to enhance the performance.

Scoring Metrics

  • Vocal Quality: Score based on clarity and pitch accuracy (e.g., 1 to 10 points).
  • Synchronization: Score based on timing and coordination with the music (e.g., 1 to 10 points).
  • Creativity: Score based on originality and innovation (e.g., 1 to 10 points).
  • Stage Presence: Score based on the expressiveness and appeal of the performance (e.g., 1 to 10 points).
  • Technical Execution: Score based on the programming and use of sensors (e.g., 1 to 10 points).


  • First Place: Trophy and a certificate of achievement.
  • Second Place: Medal and a certificate of achievement.
  • Third Place: Medal and a certificate of achievement.
  • Creativity Award: Awarded to the team with the most creative and innovative performance.


The Robot Pu Singing Competition is a captivating event that combines technology and artistry. Participants will showcase their creativity and technical skills as Robot Pu performs famous songs, entertaining both judges and the audience. The team with the highest overall score will emerge victorious!

Good luck to all participants! May the best Robot Pu serenade its way to victory! 🏆🤖🎤

For any questions or clarifications, please refer to the competition officials. Happy singing! 🚀🎉