Arduino Robots

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Not Enrolled
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Student Age Grade 6 to 12
Requirements C++, Arduino.
Skills Learned Programming, electronics, Math
Number of Lectures 10
Lecture Status Started


Robotics is an exciting and fun hobby that has become very affordable in recent years. What would have required a lot of money and experience to do a few decades ago is now affordable and easy.

This course shows students how to quickly and easily build an Arduino robot. The parts used in this course can all be purchased online or all together from our pre-selected packages. Students can follow along with a different kit just as easily as long as they have similar components. The entire process may take an hour or two, so get ready to have some fun!

Keep in mind that this course shows just one way to make a robot — students are limited only by budget, time, and imagination.  They are encouraged to buy more sensors, or powerful motors!

Each week, there will be one new Arduino robot project. Try to keep up with the course pace.

Get ready for the robot olympics game hosted by Robot Gyms!

Course Content