Engineering Principles

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Student Age Grade 6 to 12
Requirements None
Skills Learned Engineering rules and good practice.
Number of Lectures 10
Lecture Status Started

Engineering principles are the ideas, rules, or concepts that need to be kept in mind when solving an engineering problem. There are no engineering principles that can rule all engineering process. The concepts used to solve a problem will often be different depending on the type of problem encountered.  Second, some of them are even contradict to  each other. For example, “keep it simple” or “KISS (keep it simple stupid)”. This is something that engineers must remind themselves to do when they imagine very fancy complicated products that few people would really be able to use. On the other hand, simple designs can’t always meet the design requirement.

In this course, we will show young engineers that they must be aware of some common engineering principles and consider the most important factors to pick most effective engineering principles to guide the engineering projects.