Arduino Programming

Current Status
Not Enrolled
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Student Age Grade 5 to 10
Requirements Preliminary C/C++ programming.
Skills Learned C++ programming, electric soldering, state machine, and robot control.
Number of Lectures 10
Lecture Status Started


Lecture Introduction

This Lecture will show students how to quickly and easily build Arduino robots. The ever-growing Arduino community is made up of everyone from hobbyists and students to designers and engineers all across the world. Arduino robots become an exciting and affordable hobby in recent years. In this lecture, students will strengthen their C++ programming skills and understand the fundamentals of robot sensors, motors, and automation. They will build 15 cool Arduino robots and have FUN!



Gym Date Time Membership Required Details
Gym San Mateo 19/08/2017 – 23/12/2017 Saturday 10:30am – 12:00pm Tesla or Higher details